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Passports and ID numbers abroad

If you want to apply for a passport/ID-card at the Embassy of Sweden in Tel Aviv, please choose the appropriate sub-section below and follow the instructions there.

If you apply for a passport at another authority you can collect it from the Embassy of Sweden in Tel Aviv for a fee of 200 SEK, payed in ILS. 

You must make an appointment online to apply for or renew a passport. Bookings are made online, only not by e mail or telephone. 

Proving your Swedish citizenship

You are obliged to prove your Swedish citizenship every time you apply for or renew your passport. Download and complete the application form "Verification of Swedish Citizenship" (please use the link to the form below) before arriving at the Embassy. Please make sure to bring the form, as well as all the requested documentation that are applicable for your application(s), which are listed in the sub-sections below. All documents must be in Swedish or English, or translated by a certified translator into one of these languages.The Swedish Police's form is not used at the Embassy in Tel Aviv.