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South Africa

Passports in South Africa

Passport applications in South Africa

Please note! Passports are issued with the information registered with the Swedish civil register at the Swedish Tax Agency.

Name change and or change of surname must be done well in advance with the civil registrar at the Swedish Tax Agency before the passport application is made.

Information and forms for name change (in Swedish only)

Folkbokföring | Skatteverket

Sök | Skatteverket

For applicant who is born outside Sweden and under the age of 22 please note the rules and regulations when it comes to the passport's validity and/or the Swedish citizenship.

For more information on  Losing or retaining citizenship - Migrationsverket 

When applying for a passport at the embassy of Sweden in Pretoria

  • You must prove your identity and your Swedish citizenship
  • You must apply in person at the embassy in Pretoria
    Adults over 18  Children under 18
  • The application is made by appointment only
  • The fee for the passport is paid by bank card (Visa or Mastercard) at the time of application at the embassy
  • The passport document is usually ready for collection in about 2-4 weeks
  • Collection by appointment only
  • The passport can, for an additional fee, be collected in person at the Swedish consulates in Cape Town, Gaborone or Windhoek
  • Fee - see price list

 Book an appointment 

(bookings made via the Swedish Migration Agency's website)