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United Kingdom

Coordination numbers and registering newborn babies in the United Kingdom

Swedish citizens who have never had a Swedish passport, id-card or were registered in the Swedish Population Register must get a coordination number (an ID number) approved before applying for a Swedish passport. This applies to newborn children to Swedish citizens as well.

NB: The Embassy can only order a coordination number for Swedish citizens if you also intend to apply for a passport via the Embassy. If you are planning to apply for a passport in Sweden you should instead apply for the coordination number from the Swedish Police. 

Register a name

The parents/guardians will need to register the name of the child at time of  application for a coordination number. Name registration can also be done directly with the Swedish Tax Authority.

Please note that for a child born to a Swedish father and a non-Swedish mother before 1 April 2015, where the parents are not legally married, the parents/guardians must first submit a Notification of Swedish citizenship.

Apply for a Swedish coordination number (ID number)

Please note that all documents must be original and fully completed upon arrival to your booked appointment.

  1. If the applicant is under 18 years old, at least one parent/guardian must accompany them in person at the time of application, together with the applicant
  2. Completed application form SKV7750. If the child/applicant is 18 years or older, the applicant has to complete and sign the form themselves. If the applicant is between 12-17 years old, they must sign the form together with the parents/guardians
  3. Completed application form: information for verification of Swedish citizenship
  4. A signed letter confirming that the applicant has received the application information, download the letter here
  5. Birth certificate in original stating the names of both parents
  6. A Mother and Baby Discharge Summary from the hospital
  7. Marriage certificate, if the parents of the child/applicant are/were married. The marriage must be registered with the appropriate official authority
  8. Both parents'/guardians' passports or valid photo IDs. The Swedish parent must bring a valid Swedish passport or national ID card
  9. If the applicant's Swedish mother/father moved to the UK before 1998, a A Letter of non-acquisition of British Citizenship must be presented at the time of application
    An alternative to "Letter of non-acquisition of British Citizenship" is to present a screenshot (via mobile/tablet/computer) to the passport officer at the Embassy, which shows that pre-settled or settled status via the EU Settlement Scheme has been acquired. In that case,  a printed copy of the screenshot must also be submitted 
  10. If the applicant has another citizenship than the Swedish, proof of that must be provided. The passport authority may need proof that the applicant has not become a citizen of another country in which they have lived.
  11. Book an appointment online*. Appointments are released every Wednesday at 10am.  
    Book a coordination number appointment here 

*If it says "There are no more available appointments at the moment." at the top of the booking page, it means that no bookable appointments are available. Please check back at a later time. 

Booking an appointment 

Appointments to apply for a coordination number can only be made online via the external booking system, e.g. you cannot book an appointment via telephone or by visiting the Embassy. If no appointments show up in the booking system, it means that we are currently fully booked.

Once you have booked an appointment you must bring all the documents specified above for your application to be considered. Please make sure you have received a booking confirmation of your appointment before visiting the Embassy.

If you plan to travel to Sweden, do consider applying through the Swedish Police. Please contact the police before your travel to find out what documents you must provide and if you need to book an appointment.

Processing time

The processing time is approximately 10-12 weeks. Once a decision has been made, you will be notified by the Swedish Tax Authority directly.

Once a decision on coordination number has been made, you can book an appointment for passport application.

Last updated 07 Mar 2024, 12.07 PM