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Persons who have received a negative decision on their visa application are requested to hand in their own appeals to the Embassy either by mail or e-mail.

The deadline for handing in an appeal is within three weeks from the date that you received the decision. The Embassy will, if not reconsidering the decision that was made, send your appeal to the Swedish Migration Court in Stockholm for their consideration. This applies also when Sweden is representing another Schengen country in Schengen visa matters. It is thus always the Swedish court that will decide the appeal. Please be informed that this process may take a few weeks and that the Embassy of Sweden cannot speed up the process. The Migration Court will contact you when they have reached a decision. 

The appeal must state:

Which decision you wish to appeal.

How you want the decision to be changed.

Your name, date of birth, postal address and telephone number.

Any circumstances or evidence/proof that you wish to add to your case.

If someone else signs the appeal on your behalf, that person must be authorized to represent you with a power of attorney. The power of attorney document must be signed by you and submitted in the original together with your appeal.

If you have any further enquiries about the status of the appeal you will need to contact the Swedish Migration Court in Stockholm. 

Förvaltningsrätten i Stockholm (domstol.se)

Last updated 06 Mar 2022, 11.42 AM