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Sweden &

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Swedish Development Cooperation with Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Swedish Development Cooperation with Bosnia and Herzegovina is guided by a result strategy for Swedens reform cooperation with the Western Balkans and Turkey. The strategy covers 2021 - 2027.

Apart from regular diplomatic and consular matters, much emphasis is placed on Bosina and Herzegovina’s integration into the EU, both in the political work and through development cooperation.

On behalf of the Swedish Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), the embassy implements development cooperation with Bosnia and Hercegovina within the regional Strategy for Sweden’s reform cooperation with the Western Balkans and Turkey for 2021– 2027. Sweden is one of the largest bilateral donors in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Development cooperation takes place within four support areas:

  • Human rights, democracy, the rule of law and gender equality
  • Peaceful and inclusive societies
  • Environmentally and climate-resilient sustainable development and sustainable use of natural resources
  • Inclusive economic development

Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA), the Swedish agency for peace, security and development, is also present in the embassy to contribute to peaceful and inclusive societies.

The embassy cooperates with local partner organisations in the civil society, with authorities and institutions, as well as through international and multilateral organisations. Contributions within the development cooperation are often long-term projects or programs aiming to create positive development and sustainable change for Bosnia and Herzegovina. More information about contributions can be found at openaid.se.

The embassy has an important assignment in developing the bilateral contacts at official as well as personal levels with all segments of BiH society. The embassy observes and reports on developments in BiH, thus providing input to Swedish foreign policy decisions on a bilateral level as well as in the multilateral field, especially in the EU context, but also in relation to UN and NATO.

Development and aid

Sweden has a long tradition of generous and ambitious development aid. Development cooperation is about helping to enable poor people to improve their living conditions. Swedish development aid is often channelled through international organisations such as the UN and the EU. Humanitarian assistance refers to Sweden’s activities to save lives, alleviate suffering and maintain the human dignity of those affected by natural disasters, armed conflicts or other similar circumstances.