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Sweden &


Corporate Social Responsibility in China

The mission of the Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of the Embassy of Sweden in Beijing is to identify and address challenges for companies in implementing CSR.

Why CSR is important – It enhances long-term value creation, competitiveness and contributes to the development of society.

Background - The CSR Centre was set up in 2010 as a result of two MoUs on CSR collaboration between Sweden and China from 2007 and 2009 respectively.

CSR knowledge – Positioned at the core of Sino-Swedish CSR relations, the CSR Centre closely follows Sino-Swedish CSR developments. In collaboration with its network of partners, the Centre maps CSR trends and tools based on research studies and dialogues with various stakeholders.

Strategic meetings – Collaboration with Chinese, Swedish and international partners transforms knowledge into policy development and change in company management. Through dialogues between authorities, companies and other stakeholders, the CSR Centre promotes Sino-Swedish exchange in the field of CSR.

Communication - CSR knowledge is communicated through training programmes, conferences, websites and media. The main target groups are companies and organisations seeking knowledge and information exchange on the concept of CSR and how to implement it.

Areas in focus – The CSR Centre uses the EU definition of CSR: the responsibility of enterprises for their impact on society, and follows the focus areas of the Swedish government for sustainable business: human rights, labour conditions, environment and anti-corruption.

Network organisations – The CSR Centre’s network includes Chinese, Swedish and international authorities, organisations, companies, sector organizations, universities, NGOs and media.

For further information and general enquiries please send an e-mail to the Embassy.

Last updated 21 Dec 2017, 4.06 PM