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Sweden &


Sustainable Transport Solutions

The Embassy of Sweden in Beijing together with Sweden's official organizations in China and member companies are stakeholders in the Sustainable transport solutions cluster. The underlying purpouse of the cluster is to promote Swedish transport solutions and influence Chinese transport policy and decision making in order to promote sustainable development.

Sweden has an extensive history in safe, environmentally friendly and efficient transport solutions. A prerequisite for succeeding in influencing China’s transport policy is sound and constructive relationships with Chinese authorities.

In 2011 a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was agreed upon which formed the basis for an action plan that was signed later the same year by the Swedish minister for infrastructure Catharina Elmsäter-Svärd and the Chinese minister for Transport Li Shenglin. The action plan aims to promote meaningful exchange at several different levels between authorities, universities and the business community between Sweden and China. Areas of particular interest are:

  • Urban transports
  • Road transports and safety
  • Shipping
  • Maritime issues
  • Green flights.

A particular MoU in the field of railways was signed in 2012.

The project is run by a network consisting of Business Sweden, general consulates in Shanghai and Hong Kong, Growth Analysis and universities and companies in the transport sector. Companies can join this network as partners and gain direct influence in the running and development of the project.

For further information and general enquiries, please contact Commercial Officer Tobias Settergren.

Last updated 21 Dec 2017, 4.09 PM