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Studying in Sweden

If you are planning to study in Sweden, the web site Studyinsweden.se is your one-stop information centre for higher education studies in Sweden.

The purpose of Studyinsweden.se is to provide international students wishing to study in Sweden with a convenient and comprehensive information resource. It contains general information on the opportunities open to international students, admission procedures and other practical details.

The service is designed for students at all levels. It provides information on undergraduate courses, Master's programmes and opportunities for researchers.

If you are planning to study in Sweden for a period longer than three months, you have to have a residence permit. Georgian citizens are refeered to the Swedish General Consulate in Istanbul, Turkey OR the Embassy of Sweden in Skopje, North Macedonia. 

Basic information about: Studying in Sweden

Basic information applicable to all countries is available here. In some countries, additional conditions also apply – for more information, select a country from the 'Select Country Here' drop-down list.

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