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Sweden &


Moving to someone in Sweden

To be able to apply for a residence permit to live in Sweden you will have to have one of the following reasons:

To be able to apply for a residence permit to live in Sweden you will have to have one of the following reasons:

  • Family ties & family reunification: applying to join a close family member who is residing in Sweden permanently like a spouse or a child  under 18. For more details, please go to the relevant Swedish Migration Agency page here.
  • Work permit: you must have an offer of employment from an employer in Sweden. For more details, please go to the relevant Swedish Migration Agency website here.
  • Study permit: you must have an acceptance letter from university/ school to study in Sweden. More information can be found at Studyinsweden.se and the Migrationsversket.

For more detailed information about applying for residence permit in Sweden kindly visit the Swedish Migration Agency’s website:

The Embassy of Sweden in Baghdad does not handle migration issues such as residence permit applications, renewal of residence permits or interviews.

You may contact another Swedish embassy in the region.


The Embassy of Sweden in Amman

Tel: +962-6-590 1300

E-mail: ambassaden.amman@gov.se or ambassaden.amman-visum@gov.se

The Embassy of Sweden in Tehran

Tel: +98-21-2371 2200, +98-21-2371 2200

E-mail: ambassaden.teheran-visum@gov.se  or ambassaden.teheran@gov.se