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Sweden &


Visiting Sweden

If you want to visit Sweden and you are not a citizen of the EU/EEA, you may need a visa. A visa gives you permission to enter and stay in Sweden for a short period.

The Embassy of Sweden in Baghdad does not accept visa applications and it does not handle migration issues such as residence permit applications, renewal of residence permits or interviews.

You may contact another Swedish embassy/Consulate in the region.

Sveriges Generalkonsulat i Istanbul
Tel: +90 212 334 06 00

Email: generalkonsulat.istanbul-visum@gov.se

The Embassy of Sweden in Amman

Tel: +962-6-590 1300

E-mail: ambassaden.amman@gov.se or ambassaden.amman-visum@gov.se

The Embassy of Sweden in Tehran

Tel: +98-21-2371 2200, +98-21-2371 2200

E-mail: ambassaden.teheran-visum@gov.se  or ambassaden.teheran@gov.se