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The forest industry in Sweden employs approximately 60 000 people and has a net export value of close to 100 billion SEK. Sweden is the home to many multinational forest companies such as SCA, StoraEnso, BillerudKorsnäs, Södra and Holmen. With digitalisation, demand for newsprint and office paper is declining. The industry is now facing a transformation, where significant resources are invested in developing the next generation of products from trees. This development is further accelerated by the global ambition to move towards a greater usage of renewable materials.

Sweden takes a leading role in this transition, with a strong focus on R&D, related to new products and processes from the tree. Significant efforts are made within the large corporations, either in-house, in bilateral projects or in a cluster structure. In addition, the Swedish public sector has made substantial funding available both for academia and R&D institutes.

To learn more, visit Business Sweden.

Last updated 31 Jan 2018, 3.42 PM