You pay a fee for your visa application. The money is not refunded if your application is rejected.
Fee for visa application
Here you will find information regarding fees.
The application fee is tied to the euro and is revised in the event of any major shift in the exchange rate.
How to pay
The fee is to be paid when you submit your application at the embassy.
Fee exemptions
The following pay no fee:
- Children under six years of age.
- School pupils, students, research students and accompanying teachers on study or training trips.
- Third-country researchers travelling for the purpose of pursuing scientific research.
- Representatives of non-governmental organisations who are aged 25 or under, who take part in seminars, conferences, sports events, cultural events or educational events organised by NGOs.
- Relatives of citizens of the EU, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland, if they travel together with them or will be meeting them in connection with the trip. Read more about which individuals are counted as relatives on the Swedish Migration Agency website. Relatives of Swedish citizens have to pay a fee for visa applications.
Swedish Migration Agency website
Citizens of countries that have signed visa facilitation agreements with the EU pay a reduced fee or are exempt from payment. This applies to citizens of:
- Albania
- Bosnia
- Georgia
- Macedonia
- Moldova
- Montenegro
- Serbia
- Ukraine
Visits longer than 90 days
Residence permits for a visit
For information please visit the Swedish Migration Agency´s webpage.
Last updated 18 Mar 2021, 2.44 PM