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Sweden &


Burundian residents

Please make sure that you submit the required documents as listed below.

Required documents for residence permit applications

  1. Copies of the pages in your passport that show your personal details, period of validity, country of issue, signature, and whether you have permission to live in countries other than your country of origin.

If your passport is about to expire, you should renew it as you cannot obtain a permit for longer than the validity of your passport.

If you are married to or the regis­tered partner of the person in Sweden, you will need to provide:

  1. Marriage certificate
  2. Marital/civil status certificate
  3. Photos

If you are expecting a child, you should provide:

  1. Certificate of pregnancy

If you have children under 18 who will be moving with you to Sweden, you should provide:

  1. Copies of the child’s passport that show personal details, photo, signature if applicable, passport number, country of issue, period of validity, and whether the child has permission to live in countries other than their country of origin
  2. Birth certificate or a birth certificate showing the parents’ names
  3. Consent from the other custodian that the child may move to Sweden with you, if this person is not accompanying you to Sweden

The letter of consent should contain:

  1. Name, date of birth and address of the parent giving their consent
  2. Name and date of birth of the child the consent relates to
  3. Parent’s agreement for the child to be granted a residence permit to take up residence in Sweden
  4. Signature and name in clear script of the parent giving their consent
  5. Court decision if you have sole custody, or death certificate if the other parent is deceased
  6. Adoption papers if the child is adopted.
  7. Power of attorney signed by the child’s parent if representing the minor

All documents you submit should be translated into Swedish or English by an authorized public translator. The document must be attached in the original at all times.

Check that the information given in the documents you attach is clear. Digits and characters at the very top and the very bottom of your passport must also be clearly visible on the copies of your passport.


Last updated 31 Mar 2022, 7.06 PM