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Sweden &



Sida will carry out, monitor and report on activities in accordance with the Government’s guidelines for Swedish development cooperation and humanitarian assistance strategies (UD2017/21053/IU).

The guidelines state that analysis, learning and lessons learned must be an integral part of Sweden’s development cooperation. There will be a focus on results in all stages of the strategy process. The supporting information will give a general account of the conditions for implementation and of how monitoring is intended to take place in the specific context. The annual strategy report will be comprehensive and include an account, analysis and assessment of the results of the activities in relation to the stated objectives. Performance information will be used for decision-making, learning and accountability, and for ensuring transparency towards the general public. Monitoring will produce reliable and useful performance information in both the short and long term by using both qualitative and quantitative information where possible. Performance monitoring will primarily establish whether activities have made a difference, in what way and for whom. Based on the existing conditions, monitoring will determine the extent to which development cooperation has made a difference.

Sweden’s development cooperation contributes to sustainable development
based on the 2030 Agenda, the financing for development commitments in
the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and the Paris Agreement. The activities’
contribution will be particularly relevant to the following sustainable development goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda: no poverty (SDG 1), zero
hunger (SDG 2), good health and well-being (SDG 3), gender equality (SDG5), affordable and clean energy (SDG 7), decent work and economic growth (SDG 8), responsible consumption and production (SDG 12), climate action (SDG 13), life on land (SDG 15), peace, justice and strong institutions (SDG 16) and partnerships for the goals (SDG 17). Strategy reports to the
Government will include references to how activities contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in relation to the strategy’s priorities.
Sweden’s development cooperation as a whole will contribute to poverty
reduction in the country, better conditions for democratic development and
respect for human rights.

Activities will contribute to strengthening the rule of law, increasing
transparency and accountability, and reducing corruption. Sweden should
also contribute to strengthening the conditions for free and fair elections in
accordance with democratic principles. Where possible and appropriate,
activities will also focus on strengthening critical institutions.

To strengthen civil society organisations and independent media, support
can be provided to change agents, including in cultural life. In the area of
gender equality, activities should focus on increasing women’s
empowerment, influence and participation in political processes, and greater
access to, and respect for, sexual and reproductive health and rights. Young
people’s inclusion and active participation should be supported. Activities
may also contribute to strengthened conditions for the right to form and join
trade unions and for trade union rights.

Development cooperation will contribute to strengthening the most vulnerable, for example by including the large number of people employed
in small-scale farming. Activities may also include management of climate-related security risks, which are a major root cause of conflict. Activities will
contribute to sustainable management and use of natural resources, including conservation and restoration of biodiversity and improved ecosystem services. Activities may also address the drivers of biodiversity and ecosystem loss. Development cooperation may also contribute to promoting a circular economy. Activities will also contribute to increased
access to renewable energy, including production and increased energy efficiency. In these activities, Sweden should harness synergies between
sustainable natural resource management and environmental, social and
economic resilience. The mobilisation of climate finance should be scaled
up, for example through guarantees.

Activities will contribute to productive employment and decent work with a
view to, among other things, promoting labour market access for women
and young people. Activities should also contribute to improving the
conditions for a just transition through business, investments and the
opportunity to take part in, and benefit from, free, fair and sustainable trade.
Activities will contribute to building inclusive social protection systems.

There is a need for support for conflict resolution and stabilisation, and for
lasting and sustainable peace and strengthened resilience to both conflict and
climate change. Activities will contribute to creating conditions for conflict
prevention, including by managing the root causes of conflict, and
strengthening conditions for inclusive peace processes, democratisation and
reconciliation. Opportunities for women’s and young people’s participation
in processes should be strengthened.

Sweden’s development cooperation will be relevant and effective. A clearer
link between humanitarian measures, long-term development cooperation
and peacebuilding should be sought. In the long run, activities must
contribute to reducing dependency on humanitarian aid. Where relevant, the
potential of digital transformation and innovation should be harnessed as a
tool for achieving the objectives. Synergies will be sought between the
different strategy areas and with activities within the framework of other
relevant strategies for Sweden’s development cooperation and humanitarian

Sweden’s development cooperation should lay the foundation for broader
and more self-sustaining relations between Sweden and Mozambique, and
cooperation with the Swedish resource base should be deepened.
Development cooperation will be adapted to prevailing circumstances, and
will be flexible and fit-for-purpose.

Last updated 01 Aug 2022, 3.00 PM