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Sida International Training Programme

Sida's International Training Programmes are open to candidates from low and middle income countries. The aim is to support and strengthen the participants' plans for change on organizational and sectoral levels and should not be regarded as individual competence training.

The methodology is based on the assumption that participating countries wish to carry out changes and are willing to invest their own resources to achieve these changes. Capacity development is focused on support to the participants' own plans or projects for change. This is why the training programmes are designed for persons qualified to participate in reform processes and who holds a position in their home organisation with mandate to run processes of change.

The programmes cover areas of strategic importance to the social, environmental and economic development of co-operating countries and are based on identified priorities and needs. In the long-term perspective, the programmes shall contribute to institutional strengthening and capacity development in the co-operating countries.

Commissioned by Sida, the training programmes are organised by Swedish public authorities, universities, private companies and NGOs.

International Training Programmes | Sida

Last updated 01 Aug 2022, 3.30 PM