The forms must be completed either in Swedish or in English. When you submit your application you must bring the originals of all the documents together with one set of copies.
You must have:
- The documents required by all visa applicants. Read more under Required documents.
- Proof of relationship between visa applicant and person to be visited (birth certificate, marriage certificate, correspondence, photos etc.)
You must also attach documents concerning the relative or friend you plan to visit in Sweden.
Documents must not be older than three months.
You must have:
- Form no. 241011: Invitation – If you wish to invite a relative or friend to visit you. You must submit the original form and it must be completed and signed by the relative or friend in Sweden wishing to invite you.
- Civic registration/family certificate (personbevis) for the relative/friend in Sweden. Such a document for the purpose of an invitation may be ordered from the Swedish Tax Agency.
- And – if the relative/friend will be paying for your support in Sweden – his/her pay slip, pension statement or statement of account for the past three months.