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Are you interested in studying Swedish?

Are you interested in studying Swedish as a foreign language? Study associations in many different Swedish cities offer a wide range of language courses in Swedish- both in Sweden or offered at distance. While some institutions provide lodging and organize social activities, others only offer language instructions.


 The fee for the courses vary from about 0 SEK to 8500 SEK per month depending on what is included and where you apply (university courses are in general free for Romanian students). Larger institutions usually offer courses all year long and others focus on summer courses.

Please see the links below to find further information to a number of well-known study associations in Sweden:




Several academic institutions offer full-time programs in Swedish language for students with no prior knowledge of Swedish:

Examples of full-time courses for beginners:

Linköping University

Lund University

Uppsala University

Examples of part-time courses for beginners:

 Karlstad University

KTH, Royal Institute of Technology

Linnaeus University

Mälardalen University

There are a wide range of online Swedish language courses that are offered at a distance. A selection is listed below:


Swedish Online

Rosetta Stone

There are also some free online Swedish language courses for beginners:


Swedish Institute 


For further information about learning Swedish please visit www.studyinsweden.se where you can find additional offers.

It is also possible to practice Swedish in Romania. Here are some courses and networks where you can improve your Swedish:

Svenskgruppen Language Exchange (Bucharest)

B. Smart (Bucharest)

Fides Centre (Bucharest)

Scoala Suedeza (in Craiova)

Centrul Alpha (in Cluj-N) 



Last updated 10 Mar 2020, 12.39 PM