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Sweden &

South Korea

Comprehensive list of links to Sweden

On this page you will find a number of links to websites related to Sweden and the Embassy.

General Information

The official gateway to Sweden

The Swedish Institute
Information about all aspects of Swedish society.

Government related sites

The Government
Information about and access to all Swedish Ministries

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Organisation, MFA and staff. Documents and Press Releases. Links to Foreign Policy Research Institutions.

Sweden Abroad
Swedish diplomatic missions on the internet

The Swedish Parliament
News and information from the Riksdag.

The Swedish Migration Agency
Information about, and how to apply for visas and residence permits.

The Swedish Custom

The Swedish National Defence Force

Statistiska Centralbyrån, SCB
The Swedish Central Bureau of Statistics

Nordiska Rådet
The Nordic Council

Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency – Sida
All about Swedish development cooperation.

Diskrimineringsombudsmannen (DO)
The Equality Ombudsman


Trade & Finance related sites

Business Sweden
The gateway to Swedish business and trade

The gateway to Swedish business and trade
Information for Swedish companies

National Board of Trade
Swedish Expert Authority on foreign trade and trade policy.

Useful financial information about Swedish companies

Confederation of Swedish Enterprise
The Swedish industry's co-operation organisation

Swedish Chambers of Commerce
Information about export to Sweden

EKN – Exportkreditnämnden
The Swedish Export Credit Guarantee Board

The Swedish National Debt Office

National Tax Authority

Education in Sweden

Education in Sweden
Study in Sweden


Film & Music

Swedish Film Institute
Supports production and distribution of Swedish quality films

Swedish Music Information Centre - Svensk Musik
A lot of links to Swedish music related sites

Swedish Music Festivals
Your guide to music festivals in Sweden

Swedish Film Festivals

The International Children and Young People's Film Festival

Götebrog Film Festival

Stockholm Film Festival


Sport related sites

Svensk Idrott
A lot of links related to Swedish (athletic) sports

Swedish Football Association.
The Swedish Football Association


Tourism & Travel in Sweden

Visit Sweden
Sweden's official website for tourist information

Parken Zoo in Eskilstuna
The Zoo in Eskilstuna where the komodo dragon can be found

Swedish Society for Nature Conservation
The largest nature- and environment organisation in Sweden


Swedish media

Svenska Dagbladet
Dagens Nyheter
Dagens Industri
Sydsvenska Dagbladet

Swedish Union of Journalists

Sveriges Television
TV 3
TV 4
Kanal 5
TV 6
TV 8

Sveriges Radio


Swedish Bookstores

National Library of Sweden
The Royal Swedish Library´s link collection of bookstores

Sharing Sweden
Part of the Swedish Institute, has a large collection of books about Sweden and books by Swedish authors in many languages.



Swedish & International-related Organisations/Foundations

Olof Palme International Centre
Co-operation organisation for the Swedish labour movement

Right Livelihood Centre
Right Livelihood Award, widely known as "The alternative Nobel Prize"

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, SIPRI

Swedish Amnesty International

The Nobel Foundation
Nobel Prize laureates, rules, background

The Raoul Wallenberg Institute
Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
Information on Human Rights Programmes all over the world

International IDEA
International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance

Utrikespolitiska Institutet
The Swedish Institute of International Affairs


Design in Sweden

Svensk Form
The worlds oldest designorganisation, also publishing FORM

Scandinavian Design
Useful information about Scandinavian Design

Stiftelsen Svensk Industridesign
Information about Swedish industrial design

Information about the European Union

Europa – the European Union's Server
Find out what the European Union is all about.

The EU Parliament's official website

Europeiska kommissionen
The EU Commission's officiell website

Riksdagens EU-länkar
The Swedish Parliament's  EU-links

Other useful sites

Gula sidorna – Yellow Pages
The Swedish yellow pages on the web

Den svenska adressboken(only in Swedish)
Addresses to Swedish authorities and institutions

Last updated 18 Jan 2018, 11.18 AM