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Sweden &


Decent Work is Good for Business

Exchange on parental benefits and gender equality at work to highlight the importance of decent working conditions in the promotion of the sustained, inclusive, and sustainable development of the country. This session will be conducted in English and we will provide interpretation into Thai language.
Partners: Thailand’s Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security, Sweden's Ministry of Employment and Thai and Swedish companies.

Moderator: HE. Ms. Cecilia Ruthström-Ruin, Ambassador for Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law


10.00 - 11.40 (Sweden)
15.00 – 16.40 (Thailand)


"Policies and Measures for Women's Economic Empowerment"
By Ms. Jintana Chanbamrung, Director - General of the Department of Women Affairs and Family Development, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security (10 mins)

“Parental Support for Workers in Thailand and Challenges”
By Ms. Kanchana Poolkaew, Deputy Director – General of the Department of Labour Protection and Welfare, Ministry of Labour
(10 mins)

“Sweden’s path to parental leave and social reform”
By Ms. Lenita Freidenvall, Director, Head of Division for Gender Equality,
the Ministry of Employment of Sweden (10 mins)

“Family Bond Initiative”
By Ms. Achariya Kunapan, Head of People Experience, Volvo Cars
(5 mins)

“Parental Leave”
By Mr. Christian Dassonville, Country Human Resource Manager, IKEA Thailand (5 mins)

Open Discussion and Q & A
(50 mins)

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Last updated 04 Sep 2024, 9.50 AM