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Sweden &


Development Cooperation

The Embassy of Sweden in Bangkok, with its section offices in Yangon and Phnom Penh, handles the regional development cooperation in Asia and the Pacific.

Regional Development Cooperation:

The regional programme is guided by the “Strategy for Sweden's Regional Development Cooperation with Asia and the Pacific Region 2022-2026”. The thematic areas for the regional strategy are human rights, democracy, the rule of law, gender equality, environment, climate, biodiversity and natural resources.

The goal of the Swedish Regional Development Cooperation is sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific through mutual interactions between the thematic areas. Implementation of the strategy entails collaboration with around 40 regional organisations. The collaboration partners are international non-governmental organisations and networks, intrastate organisations, universities (research), different UN-organisations, Asian Development Bank, and Swedish governmental authorities. Private sector partners participate in some of the projects and some of the programmes involve cooperation with ASEAN. The Embassy also provides support for regional research collaboration.

The programs that our partners implement cover different geographical areas. The geographical focus for the strategy is South Asia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Region but most countries in Asia are represented in the different programs. Within the regional strategy, bilateral development cooperation with Cambodia, with specific funds allocated and specific thematic areas, are provided through the section office in Phnom Penh.

Last updated 23 Jan 2018, 10.17 AM