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If your visa application has been refused, it's possible to appeal the decision. You get information in the decision as to why your application was rejected. If you received a decision you are not satisfied with, you can submit a written appeal no later than three (3) weeks from the day you received the decision. 

If more than 3 weeks have passed since you received the decision, the appeal will be rejected by the Embassy. 

The appeal should state:

  • Which decision you wish to appeal.
  • How you want the decision to be changed.
  • Your name, date of birth, postal address, email address and telephone number.
  • Any circumstances or evidence/proof that that you have not previously submitted that you wish to add to your case.

Please write your appeal in Swedish or English.

Do not send your appeal several times or in different ways.

If someone else (other than you, the applicant) signs the appeal on your behalf, that person must be authorized to represent you with a power of attorney.

If the Embassy changes the decision

If the Embassy finds that the decision should be changed, you will be contacted. The decision can be changed if you provide new information or if the Embassy considers the decision to be wrong. 

If the Embassy does not change the decision, it will be forwarded

If the appeal came in on time and the Embassy sees no reason to change the decision, the case will be forwarded to the Administrative Court in Stockholm as soon as possible. Your application, the decision, and all other documents submitted in the case will be sent to the court in Stockholm. The court then makes a decision and notifies you at the address you specified in the application or in the appeal.

After the case has been handed over to the court, all questions about the case should be addressed to them. You find their contact information via the link here.

How long will it take?

After receiving the appeal, if the Embassy wants to change its decision, you will be contacted in a few working days. If the Embassy decides not to change its decision and forwards it to the court in Stockholm, the waiting time would be longer. Check the processing time at Så avgörs mål om visum - Förvaltningsrätten i Stockholm (domstol.se)

Last updated 15 Nov 2021, 3.35 PM