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In most cases you will need to pay a fee. You pay a fee for your residence permit application. The money is not refunded if your application is rejected.

Fee for residence permits for studies

These fees are valid as of 09 September 2024.

Adults: 5000 TL Children under 18: 2500 TL

Fee for family members

Adults: 5000 TL Children under 18: 2500 TL


If you are applying online, you pay with a credit card or a bank card.

If you are applying directly at the General Consulate in Istanbul, you pay in cash or with a credit/bank card.


Some people are not required to pay for their applications, including the following:

  • Students on scholarships from Sida or another Swedish organisation or international organisation, such as the EU (Erasmus) or UNICEF

More about fees and exemptions on the Swedish Migration Agency website

Study fees

You may also be required to pay a fee for your studies. This is decided by each respective university or university college. Contact the school concerned for information.