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Sweden &


If you have received a visa

You have been granted visa for Schengen countries *. As soon as you take the visa, please check the accuracy of the information on it.

- Make sure your passport number is the same as the passport number on the visa

- Make sure your visa dates and departure dates match

- Check the number of entries

- Check if your name is spelled correctly

If you think any of this information is wrong, please inform Consulate General immediately.

How to read the information on the visa sticker?

DURATION OF STAY ... .DAYS: This number show how many days you can stay in Schengen area. You can only stay in Schengen area this number of days.

FROM ... UNTIL ...: These dates show the period of your stay. You cannot enter Schengen area before the first date, and you must leave the area at the second date at latest.

NUMBER OF ENTRIES: This number shows how many times you can enter Schengen area within the validity of your visa.

  • If you are granted a multiple-entry, long validity visa (1-5 years) valid for 90 days; you can only stay a maximum of 90 days per 180 days period.
  • If you are granted a single-entry visa, the validity period (From…Until…) is often 15 days longer than the period you have requested. The reason for this is so that you will have a chance to change your travel date if something unforeseen happens.
  • You shouldn’t stay in Schengen area longer than the number of days (duration of stay) and the validity date (From…Until…).

Your visa is not automatically allow you to enter the Schengen area. It is the Border Police in the Schengen area that will determine whether you meet the conditions for entering Sweden and they may ask information/documents (hotel reservation, invitation, return ticket, means of support etc.) at the border.

* Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland