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Covid-19 - Migration section closed until further notice

Due to the current global health situation resulting out of COVID 19, and considering the severe public health danger and risk the Embassy’s Migration Section herewith informs all concerned the following:

Embassy premise will not be open for any Migration related activities. They are:

  • Schengen or other types of Visa,
  • Submission of residence of permit applications;
  • Capturing biometrics for residence permits;
  • Receiving documents related to residence permit applications;
  • And for all other migration related purposes visitors will not be allowed to enter the Embassy.

This announcement will continue to be effective with immediate effect and shall remain in force until further notice.

The Migration Section of the Embassy will notify all concerned applicants / visitors about their respective postponed appointments at the Embassy as soon as the situation gets normal.

The Migration Section of the Embassy sincerely regrets the inconvenience caused due to this inadvertent and unwanted interruption of activities.

Last updated 16 Mar 2020, 4.32 PM