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Regional Forum on Equality in Education in the Southern Mediterranean

On October 11th, the Director of the Swedish Dialogue Institute for the Middle East and North Africa, attended the Regional Forum on Equality in Education in the Southern Mediterranean that took place in Amman, Jordan.

"Equality in education lies in the heart of gender equality." H.E. Ambassador John Paul Grech, Union for the Mediterranean

Equality in Education has spurred global, regional, and local discussions on the importance of positioning education as key entry point in breaking the crippling shackles of gender stereotypes, inequalities, and violence against women. Local and regional actors representing educational ministries, educational sector, teachers, civil society organizations and gender equality activists have all gathered in Amman, Jordan during the ‘Regional Forum on Equality in Education in the Southern Mediterranean’ led by the Euromed Feminist Initiative to further explore synergies on how the educational systems can be re-approached from a gender equality perspective, also on how education can be employed as a global tool bringing insights, raising awareness, and boosting governmental stated commitments to mainstreaming gender equality.

Charlotta Sparre, Director of the Swedish Dialogue Institute for the Middle East and North Africa was invited to present Sweden’s leading experience in gender-equal education ensuring that all learners in schools and other learning settings experience a genuine inclusive environment, through highlighting Sweden’s gender equality policy sub-target is ‘Gender-equal education’ where women and men and girls and boys must have the same opportunities and conditions with regards to education and training, study choices and personal development.

The discussions and panellists highlighted the needed efforts to foster gender sensitive education through political commitments, accountability, inclusive dialogue, and awareness that leads towards real sustainable development.

Last updated 16 Jan 2024, 1.25 PM