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Meetings on Youth, Peace and Security and Intergenerational Dialogue

On April 24th & 25th the Swedish Dialogue Institute for the Middle East and North Africa took part in a global dialogue conference on Youth, Peace, and Security (YPS), in Amman. In connection to the dialogue event, an informal workshop on intergenerational dialogue.

The aim of the workshop was to enable frank and interactive discussion between member states on how intergenerational dialogue can be a method to support the implementation of the YPS agenda.

The workshop started with presentation of the ‘Guidance note on Inclusive Intergenerational Dialogue, developed last year by the Dialogue Institute and the Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA). The importance of dialogue across generations, providing a clear definition of intergenerational dialogue, and introducing best practices for conducting a dialogue in a way that is meaningful for different generations, was highlighted in the presentation. This was followed by discussions and experience sharing amongst participants, who were government representatives from different parts of the world, as well as representatives from the League of Arab States and the UNDP regional  in the Arab States. The conversations centered around examples and experiences of intergenerational dialogue initiatives, including promising practices. Throughout the discussion the participants highlighted the importance of creating safe and honest spaces for dialogues and stressed the need for inclusivity, ensuring that voices, needs, and aspirations of both younger and older generations are considered.

The workshop was organized by the Dialogue Institute, in collaboration with the FBA and the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation.

Read the Report from Meetings on Youth, Peace and Security and Intergenerational Dialogue

Last updated 16 Jul 2024, 12.31 PM