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Promoting Inclusivity in Climate Change Discussions in the MENA Region

To contribute to regional inclusive dialogue on environment and climate change in the MENA region, the Swedish Dialogue Institute for the Middle East and North Africa invited a group of ten climate experts, youth activists, peacebuilders, private sector representatives, and journalists to take part in the 2022 Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development in late May. In addition to participating in the Forum - speaking at two round tables on the interlinkages between youth, gender, climate, and security - the delegation participated in several other meetings and met with relevant stakeholders, including representatives from the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Environment, Sida, FBA, SIPRI, SIWI, civil society, and the private sector.

Key take-aways included:

  • The clear and direct interlinkages between climate, security and inclusivity and the urgent convergent crises facing people and the planet require stepping out of our own silos and focusing on the various intersecting nexuses linking the human, environmental.
  • Participation of women and youth is vital, as is the need to increase regional and trans-regional collaboration, develop coalitions and actions plans, and create hubs to mobilise different climate initiatives and activists in the MENA region.
  • It’s important to create and maintain safe spaces, in which different actors can speak out and be heard, and where they can network and connect.

Here are the three reports:


Last updated 16 Jan 2024, 1.30 PM