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Prime Minister’s address to the nation, 22 March 2020

Prime Minister’s address to the nation regarding the COVID-19 virus, 22 March 2020

Photo: Ebba Grape


"I want you to be prepared for the possibility of further far-reaching decisions, sometimes at short notice, sometimes disrupting our everyday lives even more.

The aim of the Government’s work is to limit the spread of infection, to prevent too many people becoming seriously ill at the same time. But also to secure health care resources, and at this difficult time lessen the impact for those of you who work and for businesses.

Be prepared for this to continue for a long time. Be ready for the situation to change rapidly.

But you should also know that we as a society are tackling this crisis with our collective strength.

Now we all have a great personal responsibility.

There are a few critical times in life when you must make sacrifices, not just for your own sake, but also for those around you, for your fellow human beings, and for our country.

That time is now. That day has come. And the duty is everyone’s.

Each and every one of us has a responsibility to prevent the spread of infection, to protect older people and those in other vulnerable groups.

None of us should risk it. None of us should go to work with symptoms of illness. Young, old, rich, poor – it doesn’t matter, everyone must play their part."


Read the whole speach here.

Last updated 23 Mar 2020, 3.59 PM