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The award ceremony was held at Stockholm City Hall on August 28th as part of Stockholm World Water Week.
The professor was awarded the prize for his research on virtual water trading, digital mapping of rivers and the inclusion of human activity in the water cycle.
The Stockholm Water Prize is the world’s most prestigious water award. The Prize is awarded by Stockholm Water Foundation in cooperation with the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and presented by H.M King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, who is the official patron of the Prize.
+81 11-738-2319)
+81 11-738-2312
c/o DeLaval K.K.
NCO Sapporo 14F, Kita 7-jo Nishi 1-chome 2-6 Kita-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0807
District: Hokkaido
Monday-Friday, 9:00-12:00/13:00-17:15
Honorary Consul
Mr. Shogo Nakano
Ms. Ayaka Saito and Ms. Akiko Maehana
+81 78 351 7695)
+81 78 351 0880
Consulate of Sweden
c/o Kinki Industrial Co., Ltd.
4-2-18 Sakaemachidori
Kobe-City 650-0023
Visits are by pre-booked appointment only:
Please book an appointment via e-mail at
Telephone hours:
09.40-12.00 and 13.00-16.40
Districts: Kinki region (excluding Mie Pref.), Shikoku region, Fukui Pref., Ishikawa Pref., Toyama Pref., Okayama Pref., Tottori Pref.
Honorary Consul
Mr. Tomoki Wada
Ms. Ayana Shinden
+81 92 942 0511)
+81 92 942 3761
Consulate of Sweden
c/o Seibu Giken Co., Ltd.
3108-3 Aoyagi, Koga-City, Fukuoka 811-3134
Visits are by pre-booked appointment only:
Please book an appointment via e-mail at
Telephone hours:
09.00-12.00 and 13.00-17.00
Districts: Kagoshima Pref., Miyazaki Pref., Kumamoto Pref., Nagasaki Pref., Oita Pref., Fukuoka Pref., Okinawa Pref., Hiroshima Pref., Shimane Pref., Yamaguchi Pref.
Honorary Consul
Mr. Fumio Kuma
Ms. Yumi Fujikawa
Sweden has diplomatic relations with almost all States in the world. It has embassies and consulates in around half of these. Sweden's foreign representation consists of approximately 100 missions abroad and 350 honorary consulates.