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Impressive results for Human Rights in Transnistria!

Sweden is supporting a “Human Rights Join Action Programme 2016-2018” in the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova to follow-up on Thomas Hammarberg Report drafted in 2013 on the human rights situation in the Transnistrian region. The intervention is implemented jointly by OHCHR, UNDP, UNAIDS and UNODC. In 2017 together with all partners important achievements were met.

Respect of rights of people with disabilities. With OHCHR’s support, 104 women and 73 men, incl. 120 persons with disabilities (PwDs), from circa 50 localities, had an improved awareness about rights of PwDs and developed their capacities on advocacy and networking. 61 duty bearers, including service providers and in-field specialists, from the left bank of the Nistru River were capacitated on international standards related to the rights of PwDs and community-based services. Around 15 NGOs and initiative groups from both banks of the Nistru River, working with PwDs and willing to cooperate in order to advance their rights, have agreed to cooperate within the framework of a new established Sustainable (Community) Development Platform. As a result of Swedish support, first the first time, more than 60 materials were published/broadcasted by the local mass-media on the subject of PwDs and their rights with the wide regional coverage. 10 local journalists from the main media outlets have been informed on the role of mass-media in promoting the rights of PwDs. The joint advocacy efforts of local NGOs and OHCHR in the area of rights of PwDs, led to the declaration of 2018 Year of Equal Opportunities in the Transnistrian region, with the special focus on the opportunities for PwDs.

Preventing HIV/AIDS.  In 2017 legal and normative acts in HIV field were reviewed and draft adjustments to the normative acts were developed, particularly related to travel restrictions, exclusion of HIV from the list of most dangerous diseases, restrictions related to work and regular checkup, reproductive health, child protection and the right to adopt children, criminal liability for donors.  The proposed adjustments have been reviewed and aligned to international human rights standards and best practices by the UNAIDS international expert in human rights. As a result of the involvement of allstakeholders active in HIV field on the left bank during a series of workshops, a road map was drafted to define HIV priorities, goals, results, M&E and budget frameworks to guide HIV response in 2018 on the left bank. The document was developed taking into account UNAIDS global strategy “90-90-90” for ending HIV and AIDS and Transnistrian region’s transition plan to local resources. Awareness events organized to reduce HIV related stigma and discrimination reached important public and got strong social media coverage. It reached more than 60000 persons from both banks of the Nistru River, covered 35 localities, involved about 20 personalities, and 14 NGOs. Hundreds of people got HIV free tested during those campaigns. Based on the draft results of Stigma Index research as by the end of 2017 (anecdotal evidence), there is substantive reduction of HIV related stigma and discrimination, compared to 2011.

Rights of people in prisons. With the support of UNODC first ever assessment of HIV and TB services on the left bank prisons was conducted. Although Tuberculosis and in particular MDR-TB remains a huge challenge yet positive progress has been noted with the initiation of DOTs plus treatment in prisons since 2016. Sustainable dialog with de facto law enforcement authorities from the left bank with regards to a communitarian policing approach in working with most at risk populations to HIV and ensure referral services from Police to harm reduction services was established. A series of trainings were organised for LEA from the left and right banks. All in all 50 police officers and 10 CSOs representatives have been trained following UNODC specialized training modules. First ever joint right and left police study visit in Vienna took place were the participants had the possibility to observe integrated services “one-stop-shop” services for PWUDs, services for women who suffer from domestic violence, learn the Viennese model of police’s involvement and participation in referral of PWUDs while having a chance to meet with UNODC HAS and LEA s

Combating domestic violence.  Since the establishment of the services to assist victims of domestic violence, namely the temporary shelter located in Bender managed by Centre Resonance and the regional centers in Grigoriopol and Slobozia managed by 2 local CSOs Rodnoy Bereg and Zhenskie Initsiativy, were assisted and oriented 1,065 people, of which 946 were women, 96 children and 23 men. 178 persons received legal services 311 persons received psychological services, 62 beneficiaries were oriented professionally, 29 people were professionally trained and 44 people were employed. The issue of domestic violence has received such visibility for the first time in 39 communities, increasing awareness of people about the phenomenon and consequences of domestic violence, as well as about existing support services. More than 90 victims managed to re-enforce their rights, particularly when it comes to property rights, the restoration of parental rights, receiving social payments, obtaining ID cards for them and their children, being also assisted to address to the police department on the facts of the violence from the intimate partner. According to the data presented by the partner NGOs, a number of 129 women can be considered socially integrated, after the intervention of specialists of created services.   

Last updated 18 Jan 2018, 12.04 PM