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Call for applications to the International Training Programme on " Productive Employment and Decent Work for Sustainable Development – In line with Agenda 2030

The Embassy of Sweden is calling for applications to the international training programme on “Productive Employment and Decent Work for Sustainable Development – In line with Agenda 2030”, taking place from 23 September – 11 October 2019 in Sweden and a follow-up seminar to be held in one of the participating countries on 25 – 29 May 2020.

The programme aims to provide the participants with knowledge about the importance of active labour market policies. It will also provide the participant with sufficient competence, capacity to initiate and manage sustainable reform processes as well as increase the knowledge of the importance of active labour market policies for economic growth.

For more information about the training programme, please visit the website: https://itp.sida.se/itp/Programcatalog.nsf/0/9AFD11591F09F56BC12582E1003F1B19?opendocument

The deadline for submission of the applications is 29 March 2019.

Last updated 25 Jan 2019, 2.10 PM