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Call for applications to the International Training Programme on "Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources – in Support of Innovation" - ITP: 313e

The Embassy of Sweden is calling for applications to the international training programme on “"Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources – in Support of Innovation” taking place from 20 October – 8 November 2019 in Stockholm, Sweden and a follow-up seminar to be held 10 – 15 May, 2020 provisionally.

The programme will build human capacity in Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources – in Support of Innovation. It will explore the complex and evolving policy  landscape for intellectual property, innovation, agriculture and biodiversity.

An important component in the programme is to apply the knowledge and the skills to the country project or other projects initiated by the participants, potentially in collaboration with other partners in the networks leading to sustainable changes. Networking is also an important component to the programme – which facilitated on a national and international level, the support for the sustainability of the results from the program.

For more information about the training programme, please visit the following websites: www.sida.se/itp or https://www.prv.se/en/capacity-development/programmes/

The closing date for submission of the applications is 14 June, 2019.

Last updated 15 Apr 2019, 4.12 PM