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Sweden launches new support to sustainable and transparent management of natural resources

The Head of Development Cooperation Mikael Elofsson on the 7th June gave the opening speech at the launching of the CRCC - Nature based solutions for building resilience in vulnerable and poor coastal communities in Mozambique programme in Maputo.

The event was attended by the Vice-Minister of Sea, Inland Waters and Fisheries (MIMAIP), Henrique Bougece, the Director of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Offices, Luther Anukur, and other experts in the field.

Sweden´s support to IUCN, MIMAIP and RARE aims to improve the capacity of the local population and authorities in coastal areas to work together in the sustainable management of natural resources. Ecosystem based, the CRCC project focuses on both land and sea. Main goals are to promote transparent and sustainable use of natural resources, strengthen the capacity of local and national authorities in the management of natural disasters and increase the opportunities for women and youth to engage in productive employment or entrepreneurship. The programme will as a priority intervene in the districts of Inhassoro, Dondo and Memba in the provinces of Inhambane, Sofala and Nampula respectively.

Sweden signed an agreement with IUCN to invest a total of 65,3 million Swedish kronor (approx. 443.2 million Meticais) for implementation during the years 2017 – 2021.

Last updated 07 Jun 2018, 3.32 PM