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Borders in North Macedonia open only for transit

There are new measures - protocol for unimpeded transit of foreign nationals through the territory of R. of N. Macedonia - this means foreign citizens cannot enter the country so that they come to our Embassy in Skopje, until further notice. (English, Shqip)

Q: Can I come at the Embassy for X reasons?

Answer: Greetings,

According to the new measure, the protocol for unimpeded transit of foreign nationals through the territory of R. of N. Macedonia, you can not come at our Embassy in Skopje until further notice.

-If you enter the territory of our country, you are only allowed to transit through, you’ll have to exit the country from a different border crossing point from the one you have entered;

- You cannot exit the highway and you are allowed to be within the territory of N. Macedonia for 5 hours only.;

-During the entrance of the territory of Macedonia you will be given a document/statement by the border police, which you will sign, and which will be stamped and also checked if you have obliged the rules when you exit the country;

- If you have not abided the rules, you may be facing compulsory state quarantine.


Q: A munde te vije ne ambasaden tuaj per X arsye?

A: Pershendetje,

Sipas masave te reja, protokollit per tranzit te padevijuar te shtetasve te huaj nepermjet territorit te R. se Maqedonise se Veriut, ju nuk mund te vini ne Ambasaden tone ne Shkup, deri sa nuk ka ndonje njoftim ndryshe.

-Nese ju hyni ne territorin e shtetit tone, ju e keni te lejuar vetem qe te tranzitoni nepermjet te dhe do te duhet te dilni nga nje pike tjeter kufitare dhe jo nga ajo qe keni hyre;

-Juve nuk ju lejohet te dilni nga autostrada dhe ju e keni te lejuar te jeni perbrenda territorit te R. se Maqedonise se Veriut vetem per 5 ore;

-Perderisa hyni ne territorin e Maqedonise, ju do te ju jepet nje dokument/deklarate nga ana e policise kufitare, te cilen ju do ta nenshkruani, e njejta do te jete e vulosur dhe do te kontrollohet gjate daljes suaj nga shteti yne nese i keni respektuar rregullat;

-Ne rast se ju nuk i respektoni rregullat, ju mund te ballafaqoheni me karantine te obligueshme shteterore.

Last updated 15 Jun 2020, 1.38 PM