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OECD welcomes Colombia as its 37th Member

On Tuesday 28 April Colombia become formally an OECD Member, the 37th country to do so in the Organisation’s near 60-year history.

Colombia has now completed its domestic procedures for ratification of the OECD Convention and deposited its instrument of accession. This brings to a successful conclusion an accession process that began in 2013.

OECD Member countries formally invited Colombia to join the Organisation in May 2018, following a five-year accession process during which it underwent in-depth reviews by 23 OECD Committees and introduced major reforms to align its legislation, policies and practices to OECD standards. These spanned the breadth of policy fields including labour issues, reform of the justice system, corporate governance of state-owned enterprises, anti-bribery, trade and the establishment of a national policy on industrial chemicals and waste management.

Read more on the website of the OECD

Last updated 29 Apr 2020, 4.41 PM