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Ms. Veronica Nilsson has been appointed Global Deal Head of Unit in the Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs (ELS)

The Global Deal for decent work and inclusive growth is a multi-stakeholder partnership with the objective of jointly addressing the challenges in the global labour market and enabling all people to benefit from globalisation.

A joint (ILO/OECD) Support Unit for the Global Deal is based in and hosted by the OECD within ELS and it is in charge of developing and implementing a work plan to advance the strategy of the Global Deal partnership, taking into account its main work-streams: i) Accelerating action; ii) Increasing knowledge and strengthening capacity building on social dialogue; iii) Sharing best practices on social dialogue.

Ms Nilsson has extensive experience in building and strengthening social dialogue at both national and international levels, as well as working on international economic issues and responsible business conduct in relevant international organisations. Since 2017 she is the Program Manager at Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Office for Regional Cooperation in Asia. Prior to this, she was Deputy Secretary General (2015-2016), Confederal Secretary (2011-2015) and Special Advisor (2010-2011) at ETUC (European Trade Union Confederation), and also served as Senior Policy Advisor at TUAC from 2001-2008, and was a researcher the Swedish Confederation of professional Employees from 1996-2001.


Ms. Nilsson will take up her duties on 22 July 2019.

Read more about Global Deal here


Last updated 24 May 2019, 4.13 PM