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The Embassy of Sweden will be closed on Wednesday 20th and Thursday the 21st of November

The Embassy of Sweden will be closed on Wednesday the 20th of November and Thursday the 21st of November. Back to normal visiting hours on Friday the 22nd of November 2024.

Normal visiting hours

Consular- and passport matters
To visit the the Embassy of Sweden in Singapore, you need to book an appointment for all consular matters. This means that if you want to apply for a passport or pick up a passport, you need to book an appointment. This also applies to all other types of consular matters such as the application of coordination number, life certificate etc.

Please click HERE to book your appointment.

Migration - Check of passport and biometrics for residence permit
Biometrics for residence permit cards and passport check for applicants residing in Singapore or Brunei. No appointment needed.
Tuesday          9.00 – 12.00
Thursday         9.00 – 12.00

Telephone hours
Monday - Friday 9-11am 

Last updated 06 Nov 2024, 5.08 PM