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Embassy of Sweden Bern, Switzerland

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Aktuellt 11 Oct 2024
Film-Classic "Terje Vigen"

Film-Classic "Terje Vigen" at Cinématte, Bern (17 October)

Silent film classic "Terje Vigen" will be screened at Cinématte, Bern on October 17th with live soundtrack as part of the series "NEW SWEDISH FILMS" which will run at Cinématte until the end of the year.


Frequently asked questions


  • WikiGap
    WikiGap Workshop (19 March, online: 15.00 – 19.00)

    In diesem Workshop, der ein Beitrag zu einem gleichberechtigten Internet sein soll, werden neue und ergänzende Artikel über Frauen geschrieben, die einen Platz in der Enzyklopädie verdienen. Der Workshop (in deutscher Sprache) richtet sich vor allem an Neulinge, die noch wenig oder keine Erfahrung in der Mitwirkung bei Wikipedia haben.

  • Book cover Hilma af Klint
    Cancelled: Biography Hilma af Klint: Reading with Julia Voss (Dornach, 16 Nov.)

    Reading and conversation with Julia Voss, author of the recently published biography about the Swedish painter Hilma af Klint, and Walter Kugler, Dornach.

  • Pippi
    Concrats Pippi! Exhibition in Zürich (20 – 31 Oct.)

    For 75 years Astrid Lindgren’s fictional character Pippi Longstocking has entertained, astonished, questioned and provoked audiences all over the world. Welcome to celebrate Pippi Longstocking 75 years with an exhibition, part of "Zürich liest"-festival.

X logotype

Swedish Embassy Bern

Embassy of Sweden in Bern - X

Do you want to know more about Sweden?


Welcome to Sweden

Plan your holiday on Sweden's official website for tourism and travel information.

Visit Sweden
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Universities in Sweden

Studyinsweden.se is the official resource on higher education in Sweden for international students.

Study in Sweden

Doing business with Sweden

Here you can get comprehensive information on how to do business with Sweden.

Doing business with Sweden
Suspected irregularities

Report to the MFA

If you have a complaint or suspect criminal offences or irregularities related to the Swedish Foreign Service’s activities, please report these to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

File a complaint against the Swedish Foreign Service

Report suspicions of a crime or other irregularities