Silent film classic "Terje Vigen" will be screened at Cinématte, Bern on October 17th with live soundtrack as part of the series "NEW SWEDISH FILMS" which will run at Cinématte until the end of the year.
NEWSFor more information, please look at the following page of our Homepage.
12 Jan 2022
“Les sentiments du Prince Charles” in Delémont (12 + 13 Jan) + Rolle (5 + 6 Feb.)Adapted from the original graphic novel by Swedish cartoonist Liv Strömquist, “Les sentiments du Prince Charles” is a humorous and historical examination of romantic love as a social phenomenon.
09 Dec 2021
“The World Would be a Different Place Without Albert Einstein”“Albert Einstein was totally groundbreaking and fundamentally changed physics from the Newtonian comprehension of the world to modern physics. His work is extremely important. Without it, the world would be a very different place deprived of inventions that all of us rely on in our daily life. The last five years two Nobel prizes in Physics were directly related to his findings”, says Johan Robertsson, Swedish scientist working at ETH Zürich. Inventions such as the GPS, laser tools and the photocells in solar panels all have direct connections to Einstein’s discoveries.
08 Nov 2021
Möte med författaren Lena Andersson (8 nov. i Zürich)Lena Andersson berättar om och läser ur sina folkhemsromaner och samtalar med publiken. Hon har två framträdanden – på svenska – på universitetet: ett på dagtid inom svenskundervisningen och ett på kvällen. Det senare är öppet för alla intresserade.