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Wendy McNeill in Switzerland

13 May 2022

The Swedish-Canadian singer-songwriter, guitar- and accordion player Wendy McNeill returns to Switzerland for shows in Stans, Bern and Zürich. Originally from the Prairies of Canada, her songs retain her love of wide-open space and the longing that such big skies can generate. Wendy is a fan of underdogs, strange cats and brave hearts and brings these characters to life in wonderful dream-like folk tales and spooky, cabaret-style parables.

You can see Wendy live on stage here:

13 May: Chäslager, CH-Stans
14 May: La Cappella, CH-Bern
15 May: El Lokal, CH-Zürich

More information here

Last updated 23 Mar 2022, 2.30 PM