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BioReperia – one of the success stories from the export promotion event Swiss Nordic Bio

For more than ten years, the export promotion event Swiss Nordic Bio has been a meeting point for investors, pharmaceutical companies and small Nordic startups.

Anna and Anna from BioReperia are proof that it works. They were at Swiss Nordic Bio 2018 where they met contacts, who later led to collaborations with partners in Basil, the number one hub in Europe for pharmaceuticals.

BioReperia has its base in Linköping, Sweden, but CSO Anna Ekstam Nilsson visits Basel every second month.

"It was through contacts at Swiss Nordic Bio 2018 that we started our collaboration with the incubator Basel Area Swiss, which later led to many customers in Basel." 

BioReperia develops both so called precision medicine, i.e. medicine that is customized after each patient, and other products that support the clinical trials of the pharmaceutical companies. 

Last updated 08 Feb 2019, 12.10 PM