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Q&A for Procurement: Monitoring of U-LEAD with Europe’s Support to Improved Administrative Service Delivery

Procurement: Monitoring of U-LEAD with Europe's Support to Improved Administrative Service Delivery
Reference number: UM2019/06878/Kiev/4.4.2/1-132
Deadline for submitting of tenders: 10 April 2019, at 23:59 KYIV local time
Deadline for submitting of questions: 31 March 2019, at 23:59 KYIV local time

Question: How many points would an expert regularly implementing Monitoring and Evaluation assignments since YYYY score, i.e. exceeding the minimum requirements with one year?
Answer: As the project leader/manager is expected to possess at least 7 years of experience of Monitoring and Evaluation Assignments, and the team member is expected to possess at least 5 years of experience in the same field, additional years of experience exceeding the minimum requirements do not entitle to extra scores, because the scoring is fixed to a maximum amount for each category of proposed position, which cannot be reallocated, neither within nor between the criterion.

Question: According to table 1 in the ToR (page 4) new ASCs are added for each monitoring period, meaning that ASCs covered in previous stages will be monitored again in the new stage. Is this a correct interpretation of the table?
Answer: Yes, the interpretation is correct.

Question: According to table 1 in the ToR (page 4), monitoring for the inception report/baseline should be carried out between May and June 2019 and the inception report should be delivered by 31 July 2019 (table 2). However, in the explanation of the inception report (page 5) it states that the inception report ''shall be submitted to Sida within 3 weeks after the upstart meeting''. Can you please clarify this?
Answer: The inception report should preferably be submitted within 3 weeks after the upstart meeting, but it must be submitted by 31 July 2019 at the latest.

Question: We assume that a survey will be required of a sample of the population in Ukraine as part of this project. Would Sida accept if the procurement of the survey company takes place after the awarding of the contract to the Monitoring Agent (the procurement would be carried out by the Monitoring Agent, with a maximum budget included in the tender for the surveys) or does Sida require the survey company to be a subcontractor included in the tender?
Answer: All potential subcontractors must be included in the tender.

Question: 600 ASCs, how many are operational?
Answer: As of 1 April 2019, 26 ASCs are operational

Question: Who selects ASCs for review?
Answer: Component 2 of U-LEAD with Europe.

Question: What is a baseline?
Answer: Internet provides answers on this question in general. As for the assignment, see section 2.2 in the Terms of Reference (ToR).

Question: The assignment indicates the monitoring of 600 ASCs, but as far as we are concerned there are only 26 of the currently operational. So, does this mean for the inception report (which shall be submitted by 31 July 2019 and encompass the period of May-June 2019) shall include the analysis of compliance of baseline with the proposed framework/logframe of the existing 26 ASCs?
Answer: See section 2.2 in the ToR

Question: With the first step in the scope of work, do we need to evaluate/assess the monitoring mechanism of those 26 existing ASCs (as is analysis) and provide our comments? Or we design the monitoring mechanism from scratch applying the baseline, as proposed in the framework/logframe, and running the analysis only using the framework/logframe?
Answer: See section 4.3 in the procurement document, Chapter 2 in the ToR and Annex 1: Results framework / logframe, August 2017. These documents provide all potential tenderers with what the assignment is about, including what we expect from potential tenderers

Question: Within the scope of the reports and proposed scope, nothing is said as for the recommendations if somethings is off and does not correspond to the proposed framework/logframe, does this mean that we only present the results of the monitoring mission and no recommendations?
Answer: Section 2.2 in the ToR describes what the reports should include

Question: Please specify the required format CV of the team.
Answer: We have not provided potential tenderers with CV templates, however in the procurement document we have described what the CVs must include.

Link to the procurement notice.

Last updated 26 Mar 2019, 4.41 PM