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Statement by Sweden at the UNHCR Pledging Conference for 2022

Statement delivered by: H.E. Ms Anna Jardfelt, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Sweden to the UN in Geneva

Mme/Mr. Chair

As we approach the end of the year that marked the 70th anniversary of the 1951 Refugee Convention, I want to express our gratitude for the life-saving work carried out by UNHCR staff during the still ongoing pandemic, and your tireless efforts to support populations affected by humanitarian crisis around the world. Our gratitude extends also to the countries and communities who host and care for UNHCR’s persons of concern.

In light of growing humanitarian needs and in line with Sweden’s steadfast commitment to supporting UNHCR’s mandate, Sweden recently concluded a new multiannual Strategic Partnership Agreement for the period 2022-2025 amounting to the equivalent of 431 million USD. Our pledge for the year 2022 will amount to approximately 86 million USD, subject to a decision by the Government later this month.

Sweden thus reaffirms its commitment to flexible multiyear funding. As stated in the Global Appeal for 2022, sustained and flexible contributions ensure that UNHCR can remain agile in its response to new emergencies while meeting the humanitarian needs of those in the most forgotten and underfunded situations.  The appeal also highlights the crucial role of flexible funding to address the accelerating adverse effects of climate change on populations of concern. We hope that donors will heed this call and come together to increase quality funding.

In addition to our core support, Sweden will continue to allocate humanitarian funding through Sida, based on a global assessment of humanitarian needs and the Global Appeal for 2022. This year, Sida has so far allocated over 35 million USD (315 million SEK) in humanitarian allocations to UNHCR. Additionally, Sida continues to support UNHCR in the development of long-term approaches. This includes support to clean energy and sustainable solutions to reduce the negative impacts on climate and the environment in the response to refugee situations.

Mme/Mr. Chair

The High Level Officials meeting of the Global Refugee Forum is only a week away. We must not let the manifestation of solidarity and responsibility sharing that we saw here in Geneva two years ago lose momentum. Despite the turbulence of the pandemic, Sweden has not forgotten its GRF pledges. Beyond our various financial contributions, we remain committed to supporting an expanded and strategic global resettlement response and the implementation of the UNHCR Three-year strategy on Resettlement and complementary pathways. We work steadily for the implementation of Sweden’s national refugee quota, which since 2018 has been one of the world’s largest with 5,000 places for resettlement annually.

Mme/Mr. Chair,

With this pledge, Sweden restates its commitment to remain an engaged and strategic partner to UNHCR. We look forward to continuing the cooperation.

Thank you.

Last updated 07 Dec 2021, 10.51 AM