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Human Rights' Council: General debate on item 10 - Georgia

Swedish statement delivered by H.E. Ambassador Veronika Bard.

Mr. President,

Aligning itself with the statement made by the European Union, Sweden would like to thank the [Deputy] High Commissioner for the report on cooperation with Georgia. Sweden commends Georgia’s efforts to advance human rights in the country and encourages the continued collaboration with the OHCHR. in this regard we would like to emphasize the need to strengthen the independence of the judiciary, to combat gender-based violence, to strive for gender equality and to ensure the rights of sexual minorities.

The report is a harsh reminder of the lack of respect for the human rights of citizens in Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The circumstances surrounding the deaths of Mr. Tatunashvili in 2018, Mr. Otkhozoria in 2016, and Mr. Basharuli in 2014 reveal a reprehensible human rights situation.  

2018 marks ten years since the Russian military invasion of Georgia. Georgia’s de facto lack of control over more than 20 percent of its territory must never be normalised. Sweden reiterates the need to stand up for the rules-based international order, human rights, and Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. We call on Russia to implement the EU-mediated ceasefire agreement of August 2008.

Finally, we call on Russia to withdraw its troops and allow the OHCHR and other international monitoring missions access to the Georgian regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

Thank you.

Last updated 27 Sep 2018, 1.45 PM