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Statement by Sweden in the interactive dialogue on Chile

Universal Periodic Review 32nd session, UN Human Rights Council. Swedish statement delivered by Minister-Counsellor Oscar Ekéus

Mr. President,

Sweden acknowledges the Chilean government’s commitments to women’s and girls’ full enjoyment of human rights, as well as welcomes the strengthening of LGBTI-persons’ full enjoyment of human rights. However, challenges still persist in relation to the implementation of existing legislation, and social and economic exclusion for persons in marginalized and vulnerable situations, and we would therefore like to make the following recommendations:

1.      To eliminate all barriers to the full implementation of the abortion law, including institutional conscientious objection.

2.      To decriminalize abortion in further cases, in particular when there is a risk to the physical or mental health of the pregnant woman, or pregnancy is a result of incest.

3.      To legalize same-sex marriage.

4.      To ensure that the implementation of the antiterrorism law is non-discriminatory, also as regards indigenous peoples. 

Sweden wishes Chile all success in the current review. 

I thank you Mr. President.

Last updated 22 Jan 2019, 1.38 PM