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Statement by Sweden in the interactive dialogue on Cyprus

UN Human Rights Council, UPR 32nd session.Delivered by Second Secretary Clara Molin.

Mr. President,

Sweden welcomes the continuous positive development regarding human rights in the Republic of Cyprus, while recognizing that the unresolved Cyprus issue hinders the full enjoyment of human rights, including with regards to property rights and other human rights violations in the area not under the Government’s effective control. Yet, some concerns remain also in the Government controlled area. 

Sweden would therefore like to make the following recommendations:

To review the Law on the Procedure for Standardization of Geographical Names (2013), which criminalize the publication and circulation of material containing place names that are different from those specified in official documents.

To review the Refugee Law (2000, amended 2009), its related policies and their implementation in order to ensure that all asylum seekers have adequate access to health services, education and economic security, including by aligning the official assistance provided to asylum seekers to the state ‘guaranteed minimum income’ scheme.  

Sweden wishes the Republic of Cyprus all success in the current review.  

I thank you Mr. President.

Last updated 29 Jan 2019, 11.45 AM