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UPR 36th session - Statement by Sweden in the review of Belarus

Statement delivered by Ambassador Anna Jardfelt.

Madam President,

Sweden welcomes Belarus' participation in the UPR cycle. However, we join the international community in expressing deep concern over the unprecedented violations and abuses of human rights and the deteriorating situation regarding democracy and rule of law in Belarus during the run-up to the 2020 presidential election and its aftermath. The elections were neither free nor fair. The violations include undue restrictions on the rights to freedom of assembly and expression, and arbitrary detention of peaceful protesters, opposition, union representatives and journalists as well as credible reports of torture and ill-treatment against persons detained by the Belarusian security forces in the days following the election.

Sweden would therefore like to make the following recommendations:

  1. Implement all the electoral recommendations from OSCE/ODIHR, as stated in their observation mission reports.
  2. Guarantee freedom of expression and media freedom by ensuring the safety of journalists and other media workers as well as refraining from interference and censorship.
  3. Guarantee the freedom of assembly and ensure that all those who have been arbitrarily detained are immediately and unconditionally released.
  4. Introduce a national moratorium on the use of death penalty, as a first step towards is abolition.

Thank you.

Last updated 02 Nov 2020, 12.14 PM