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Manuell bokning av passtider

Tidsbokning via bokningssidan upphör tills vidare. Som ett led i vårt arbete att förbättra servicen i samband med bokningar av passtider, kommer ambassaden på försök under mars månad att övergå till manuell bokning av passtider. Följ instruktionerna genom att läsa hela meddelandet.

The Embassy will release a large number of bookable appointments on Friday 31 March for coordination numbers. The majority of these appointments will be on 19 April, but some will be available also on other days.

A lot of people are in need of an appointment to apply for a coordination number at the Embassy. Kindly only book one of these appointments if your child does not have another citizenship than the Swedish, and needs it to be able to apply for EUSS.

We ask you whose child have a British citizenship or another EU-citizenship to please apply for a coordination number at the passport police in Sweden – thereby you are allowing the limited number of appointments at the Embassy to go to those who do not have another option.

More information about coordination numbers here.

Last updated 09 Nov 2023, 12.05 PM