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Embajada de Suecia Baghdad, Iraq

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Embassy in Baghdad’s office closed until further notice

The office of the Swedish Embassy in Baghdad and the section office in Erbil are closed until further notice. It is not possible to call the Embassy or the section office. Embassy activities in Iraq will resume when the security situation allows. Until then, the Embassy’s activities are being conducted from Stockholm. You can email the Embassy in Stockholm (click the link below). In the event of a consular emergency, you can contact the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on-call consular service in Stockholm on +46 (0) 8 405 50 05.

Email the Embassy

Última actualización 24 jul 2023



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Notificación al Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores

Sospecha de irregularidades

Si tiene quejas o sospechas de delitos o irregularidades en relación con las actividades del servicio exterior, puede denunciarlo al Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Suecia.

Presente una queja al servicio exterior de Suecia (en inglés)

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Studyinsweden.se es un completo recurso oficial sobre la educación superior en Suecia para estudiantes internacionales.

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