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Ambassade de Suède Bern, Switzerland

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Aktuellt 11 Oct 2024
Film-Classic "Terje Vigen"

Film-Classic "Terje Vigen" at Cinématte, Bern (17 October)

Silent film classic "Terje Vigen" will be screened at Cinématte, Bern on October 17th with live soundtrack as part of the series "NEW SWEDISH FILMS" which will run at Cinématte until the end of the year.


Frequently asked questions


  • Paul Fägerskiöld. Blue Marble (zvg)
    Paul Fägerskiöld in Thun (29/5 – 15/8)

    The first museum exhibition in Switzerland devoted to the Swedish artist (b. 1982 in Stockholm) focuses on his paintings from recent years.

  • Sweat (photo: zvg)
    Film “Sweat” in Bern (7, 8, 9 May)

    In his lively drama, Swedish director Magnus von Horn focuses on a woman who is in danger of being torn between her public and private existence.

  • Liv Strömquist (photo: Maja Flink)
    Liv Strömquist at Berner Lesefest "Aprillen" (16 April)

    Liv Strömquist studied political science and draws regularly for various Swedish magazines and newspapers. Her authentic and committed as well as satirical handling of questions of power structures and the injustices resulting from them have become her trademark.

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Swedish Embassy Bern

Embassy of Sweden in Bern - X

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Comment déposer une plainte auprès du ministère des Affaires étrangères

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Signalez une plainte contre le ministère des Affaires étrangères (en anglais)

Signalez un soupçon de crime ou d’autres irrégularités (en anglais).

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